Our Story
Jenni is an ordained pastor with the Assembly of God. She has been in some form of ministry for over 15 years, including church treasurer, children ministry coordinator. She was part of a team serving five years as a women’s pastor to a non-denominational community ministry, which focused on empowering women, equipping them with truth and encouraging them to see their sameness. She has her degree in elementary education, and worked for several years on her districts leadership team.
Kelly previously has spent the past 10 years serving on the church board as a deacon. He worked 16 years as a machinist before joining the mission field.
Together they spent the last 5 years as the Outreach Pastors at their local church, reaching the community for Christ through compassion ministries. For over a decade, they have served alongside an international hunger relief agency serving the starving and providing disaster relief. Jenni serves on the international board and Kelly served as a Hunger Hero volunteer. Before joining the mission field, they also had the honor of opening their home to foster children. They have a heartbeat for providing a safe and loving place for kids in need of hope and a place to be tethered to.
They served their first term as Missionary Associates in Guatemala. During their term they helped to see over over quality education in a Christian settings, discipleship, and taught English to street kids. Kelly focused on facilitating construction projects that will provide a safe environment where the children experience God’s love.
Kelly & Jenni Conrady
Kelly & Jenni
Missionary Mom & Dad
Married since 2005-- still best friends. Life is enjoyed best with each other and outside. They both have a love of the outdoors.
Kelly's favorites include fishing, the Kansas City Chiefs, Nebraska Football, and sunflower seeds.
Jenni's favorites include writing, photography, books, coffee, classic records & good conversations
Missionary Kid
Zander is the oldest. He's a little quiet, but don't let that fool you. He's loves adventure and spending time with friends.
Favorites: Kansas City Chiefs, snorkeling Dr. Pepper, and NCIS

Missionary Kid
Norah is all things glitter! She is never short on hugs and love. She loves people. Although she's our extrovert, she prone to stage fright sometimes.
Favorites: Anime cartoons, lip gloss, graphic novels, and Hasbro gummy bears